Employment, Employee Participation & Mediation
At the table as a works council? Make sure you're involved early!
24 February 2025
"What is your most important tip for works councils?" As a co-determination lawyer, I get this question regularly. My answer is always the same: make sure you're involved early. Not when all the plans are already on paper, but when there are still real choices to be made. Of course, the executive must follow the rules. Follow the Works Councils Act (WOR). Ask for advice. But those who really want to have influence need to be at the table earlier. When plans are still taking shape. When alternatives are still open. When external advisors have yet to receive their assignments. Because a works council that only wants to be involved at the advice request stage is often too late to make a real difference. Renate Vink-Dijkstra and I recently commented on a case in the JIN journal that illustrated this again.