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Arbeid & Medezeggenschap
8 mei 2025, 09:00 - 10:30
Join us for a webinar where Jaouad Seghrouchni (Senior Associate at De Clercq Attorneys Notary) and Emma Van Caenegem (Partner at ALTIUS) will provide valuable insights into navigating the Belgian and Dutch legal landscape. They will guide you through standard practices, common pitfalls and recent trends.
During the webinar, they will address questions including:
This webinar offers essential insights for HR professionals dealing with different jurisdictions, such as Belgian and Dutch legislation. Don't miss this opportunity to gain practical views into individual dismissal termination of an employment agreement processes in the Netherlands and Belgium!
We will not discuss in detail the termination of an employment agreement of sick employees as we will tackle this topic in our next webinar, where we will also elaborate on re-integration tracks of long-term sick employees.
Thursday May 8th, 2025, from 9 am until 10.30 am.
This is a free online event.
The link to participate in the webinar will be sent to registered participants a few days in advance.
This event is free of charge. For more information, please contact ALTIUS Marketing on +32 2 426 14 14 or events@altius.com / De Clercq Attorneys Notary on +31 (0)71 – 581 53 00 or marketing@declercq.com.
Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to colleagues who might also be interested in this topic or provide us with their contact details.
Please register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7671067672650520154.